Sunday 4 November 2012

Weekly Vibes #1

Hi Creative and Fashionable people!

I'd thought I'd do a weekly update on what's going on for myself individually, for the past few days I have been communicating with Jessica from and do look out for a coming exclusive interview with her! Also I have been quite active on Lookbook and I have noticed that there are many people out there who are actually quite open with the idea of having tights as part of male accessory! Been having a handful of female Lookbookers fanning my page and along with female fashion designers fanning me and following Legwear Fashion For Men Blog!

Recently I have been looking around at LAUF and found that Urban Outfitters actually did use legwear for marketing 2 of their outerwear products! 

Copyright Urban Outfitters
Copyright Urban Outfitters

The interesting part was that they actually weren't marketing the tights/leggings in the photos but in fact they were selling the tops! Hence giving the idea that one could actually style clothes with legwear!

Interestingly today as I was having a lunch chat with my female friend in a restaurant wearing one of my usual outfits the with Activskin A857 ribbed tights and shorts. I saw one of the female customer who was waiting to pay the bill pointing at my legs to her other female friend and I could somehow hear her say.. "See he is wearing stockings!" and the friend looked and didn't have much of a reaction. But the girl who spotted me.. her facial reaction was pretty intrigued than that of her friends. I didn't feel weird or anything, in fact deep inside of me I was laughing. I actually kinda enjoyed the attention I got.. however most importantly I felt that I have made an impact that it is fashionably possible for a guy to wear tights with shorts!

Today I bought a new pair of shoes from TOPMAN, bidding farewell to my brown TOPMAN shoes.

New TOPMAN shoes! :)

Hosiery wise, I'm actually not very sure on what's next to get, I'm looking at Fashion tattoo tights, however size seems to be quite of a concern to me. Any recommendations?

Thanks for reading!
Andreas Lucius Loh

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